Learn a breakdancing move.
Set by Sophies boyfriend, Steve aka Bucha
Me and Sophie have both managed to get ourselves freakishly tall boyfriends who have similar interests. So when all four of us are sitting round mine and sophies house, either extreme sports, hip-hop, comedy, girls of the playboy mansion, beatboxing or breakdancing is our choice of entertainment.
Steve set me this challenge as he knows I am insanely jealous of breakdancers and whenever we watch breakdancing I always say 'Ha, I could so do that'. So let's see if I can.
I love dancing. I have done ballet, tap, jazz, modern, latin, ballroom, and I currently do Burlesque. Dancing is one thing I am naturally good at and if I didn't do journalism I would have done dance as a degree.
Even though I am generally a natural at most forms of dance, break dancing is a whole different thing. It requires an immense amount of skill.
First of all I decided I would attempt the worm. I found some tutorial videos on youtube, including one from this guy http://www.youtube.com/watchv=AvHBBL_4wyE&feature=related
it's mega-lolz.
After smashing my lady area on the ground a few hundred times, I decided to attempt another move. I found this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2MQj85JnNs which explained 'top-rocking' and how to do a V-position and kick through. I mastered toprocking and V-position and kick through easily, so I went back to attempting the worm.
Basically I looked a fish flipping about when it is taken out of the water, however I eventually managed to do the worm. Once. But that was good enough for me, I learnt a breakdance move and successfully did it, just the once, but I feel if I continue practicing I will completely master it.
Difficulty rating: Quite difficult
Fun Factor: Loads of fun
Do this if....you want to be able to win a dance off.
Challenge 19: Completed!
Set by Sophies boyfriend, Steve aka Bucha
Me and Sophie have both managed to get ourselves freakishly tall boyfriends who have similar interests. So when all four of us are sitting round mine and sophies house, either extreme sports, hip-hop, comedy, girls of the playboy mansion, beatboxing or breakdancing is our choice of entertainment.
Steve set me this challenge as he knows I am insanely jealous of breakdancers and whenever we watch breakdancing I always say 'Ha, I could so do that'. So let's see if I can.
I love dancing. I have done ballet, tap, jazz, modern, latin, ballroom, and I currently do Burlesque. Dancing is one thing I am naturally good at and if I didn't do journalism I would have done dance as a degree.
Even though I am generally a natural at most forms of dance, break dancing is a whole different thing. It requires an immense amount of skill.
First of all I decided I would attempt the worm. I found some tutorial videos on youtube, including one from this guy http://www.youtube.com/watchv=AvHBBL_4wyE&feature=related
it's mega-lolz.
After smashing my lady area on the ground a few hundred times, I decided to attempt another move. I found this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2MQj85JnNs which explained 'top-rocking' and how to do a V-position and kick through. I mastered toprocking and V-position and kick through easily, so I went back to attempting the worm.
Basically I looked a fish flipping about when it is taken out of the water, however I eventually managed to do the worm. Once. But that was good enough for me, I learnt a breakdance move and successfully did it, just the once, but I feel if I continue practicing I will completely master it.
Difficulty rating: Quite difficult
Fun Factor: Loads of fun
Do this if....you want to be able to win a dance off.
Challenge 19: Completed!
Would have loved to see you attempt a worm. Maybe tomorrow...? :p