Challenge no.14 - Good Clean Fun

Do not use any modern technology for a whole day.

Set by Danny AKA Puffin.

Danny set me this challenge so I would hopefully realise that I can still function without my mobile phone, facebook and ASOS.

Luckily I had an exam today meaning that my mind was, at first, pre-occupied with other things. For once I was intently studying local government rather than the shoes on the Aldo website. I arrived at the exam hall and I was the first one there. This is unusual behaviour for me and I started to panic I was in the wrong place, but I couldn't phone or text anyone to check and as I didn't have a phone I had no way of telling the time to see if I was just super early, or more likely, late. Actually I was just super early and people started to show up.

When I got home from the exam I really wanted to sit down, watch some daytime TV with a nice cup of tea and text and facebook everyone to ask them how it went, but, no I couldn't. There was no way I was going to deprive myself of a cup of tea, so I boiled some water in a saucepan and did it the hard way. It didn't taste better because of the effort I had gone through to make it. Seeing as I couldn't just sit there staring blindly into space and I was lacking a gramophone, I racked my brains for what to do, I felt a bit lost if I'm honest.

I considered tidying my room or catching up on some uni work, but I felt sitting there staring into space would be more productive. Then'ding' (no not the microwave, I wasn't cheating) I had an idea, I could finish off altering and customising some off my clothes. I enjoy sewing, but I always leave things half finished as I get distracted. This was a perfect idea, I finally finished altering a dress (a vintage floral one I got for a fiver, I cut the bottom off so it was shorter and changed it from pouffy sleeved to strapless) and hemmed up a skirt.

However the day was not over, I really wanted to go and see my friends, normally I'd just send a text to see what they're up to, but not today and seeing as I didn't have a carrier pigeon, my only other option was to walk to theirs and pray they were in. Joy. They were. I told them that I couldn't use modern technology all day, so I suggested we play a board game. We played Twister and Trivial Pursuit and I had a really fun night!

I don't think I want to survive a day without my phone again and I love facebook and online shopping (especially living in a town with only 1 shop). However I really didn't miss TV at all and I had a really fun night with my friends playing games rather than watching a DVD or TV as usual.

Difficulty rating: not too bad, lack of a phone was quite painful
Fun factor: Surprisingly high!
Do this are bored with your routine, or if you can't afford electricity

Challenge 14: Completed



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