Set by my new friend, Collette. Collette is also studying journalism. She helps me survive the dullness that is Camborne, she is orginally from Leicester, she is beautiful and down to earth. Collette is a vegan so I guess she appreciates the beauty of vegetables!
Collette said she set me this challenge so I could learn the value of raw foods.
When first set with this challenge, I prayed that everyone would be kind enough to not vote for it. Alas it made the top 28.
I usually love onion, they are so versatile and cheap, I use them in most of my recipes, curries, stews, pasta, pizza, mexican, sandwiches. However as much as I enjoy onion I had never before contemplated eating a whole raw onion as though it is an apple. eewww.
Things you never knew about the humble onion....
- 40 million tonnes are produced annually, making them the most consumed vegetable
- The onion is a member of the lily family, I do not recommend buying a bunch of onions for your special lady though.
- They contain Quercetin, a more powerful antioxidant than vitamin E, which helps fight colds, cancer and hayfever
- Onions also contain chromium, which helps to combat PMS
- The Egyptians worshipped the onion because of it's spherical shape and concentric rings
- In Hindu, Egyptian, French and Greek culture, the onion has had a reputation as an aphrodisiac. Ooh la la.
As I took the first bite, I was shocked, it wasn't that bad! The worst thing was the crunch sound it made and the fact that it took ages to chew. The second bite was when it started to get a bit over-powering. By the third bite my nostrils were burning and my eyes were watering. I continued though, even though my mouth was now also burning and the onion juice swilling round my mouth was making me gag. I did have to take a couple of breaks to sort myself out and ensure I didn't puke.
Here's a couple of video clips, if you wish to witness my pain.
Success! I managed to eat a whole raw onion as though it is an apple, it took me about 15 minutes, but it really did cure my hayfever! I can't see myself doing this again, Puffin would not kiss me, my breath was on fire.
Some tips for getting rid of onion breath.....
- Suck on a lemon
- Chew Parsely
- Brush your teeth, scrape tounge, use mouthwash and floss
- Suck mints
- Rub a stainless steel spoon round your mouth, touching all sides, gums, tongue everything!
Difficulty Rating: I managed it
Fun Factor: Not very fun, but I'd rather do this than jog 3 miles
Do this want to cure hayfever and don't want to be kissed.
To find out more about onions visit
Very impressive! I giggled all the way through the videos :)